Project information

  • Category: Automatic Plant Irrigation System
  • Client: FISAT Project
  • Project date: 18 May,2022 - 12 June, 2022
  • Project URL: FISAT Project

Automatic Plant Irrigation System

As we all know, plants play an important role in our life, there are countless benefits we get from plants but the most important is fresh air and the pleasant atmosphere on the earth. Hence, it is not only our social duty as well as the responsibility that we should plant trees as much as we can and also take care of them. But the biggest challenge we face, is, taking care of them, sometimes due to the busy lifestyle and especially, when we go on vacation. Then we usually need to depend on someone else for taking care of our plants and, it doesn't work all the time. So, to get rid of this problem, we came up with a "Smart Plant Watering System Using Arduino Uno". This system provides water to the plant only during the day, when the soil is dry. Here we are using a soil moisture sensor to sense the moisture level of the soil, a light dependent resistor to identify daylight, water pump, and Arduino Uno. Usually, the ideal time to water the plants depends on the climate condition and the regions where plants are available. When the weather is clear during the day, our system will water the plants, neither at night nor the weather is uncertain. As a result, it will avoid any harmful things that can cause to our plants. The basic goal of this system is that if the soil is dry and the soil moisture sensor detects a low moisture level in the soil, the water pump will start automatically to deliver water to the plant, according to the stored code in the Arduino Uno. When the soil is wet, the soil moisture sensor detects a sufficient level of moisture in the soil, and the water pump is immediately turned off. This process will only take place during daylight hours. The water pump will not start if the soil is dry throughout the night